2024 BWA Brunch

Join us to connect and uplift Black Women in Architecture at the 2024 BWA Brunch.

Organized in 13 cities around the US, we will join simultaneously. Then break for in-person networking and brunch.

Participate in a location of your choice or join in the virtual program from wherever you are.

Riding the Vortex – NOMA conference 2022

Riding the Vortex for the 2022 NOMA conference was presented at a 180 turn from the usual sessions and focused on highlighting men and their stories. This was largely because we see int he data that the growth of the numbers of Black men in the architecture profession is flattening.

An important component of the Riding the Vortex conference sessions is presenting the data on the demographics of the architecture profession to inform and allow attendees to discuss this information.

The data presented at the 2022 NOMA conference can be downloaded. The raw data is from the Directory or African American Architects and NCARB’s By the Number publication.

Riding the Vortex wins 2022 AIA Whitney Young Award

The Riding The Vortex collaborators are honored to accept the 2022 The American Institute of Architects Whitney M Young Jr Award. This award recognizes our over 15 years of work to inspire, motivate and support Black women, those currently working in the profession and those on their way to becoming architects. We thank our nominators and we thank the organizations who have hosted Vortex sessions over these many years. We have tremendous gratitude for the women who have been panelists, the many attendees, and those willing to share their experiences with Vortex since 2007.

AIA Announcement

Architect Magazine
High Profile
Residential Design

Black women in architecture to gather for Sixth Annual Brunch

Black women in architecture gathered for Sixth Annual Event in Washington DC

Washington, DC – On October 18, 2020, over 100 black women and other architecture professionals gathered for what has become an annual networking event. The event was virtual this year with women attending from across the country.

Organized by a team of volunteers, this annual event is an opportunity for black women to gather and network with each other to foster working relationships, build future partnerships and support each other. In the profession, black women make-up only 0.4% (497) of the over 116,000 licensed architects in the United States. The event serves to connect women who could easily be working in environments where they rarely see another black woman.
Continue reading “Black women in architecture to gather for Sixth Annual Brunch”

500 African-American Women Architects!!

2019 BWA Brunch attendees Photo by Harry Connolly

Number of Living, licensed African-American Women Architects Tops 500

Washington, DC – On October 18, 2020, the Directory of African American Architects (blackarchitect.us) added its 500th living, licensed African-American woman architect. African-American women make-up only 0.4% of the over 116,000 licensed architects in the United States.

The National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA) relaunched the directory in 2020 and manages the database, a responsibility formerly performed by the Center for the Study of Practice at the University of Cincinnati since its inception. The directory was originally published as a book by professors Brad Grant and Dennis Mann in 1991.

The milestone was marked by the Black Women in Architecture Network which held its annual brunch on the same day. The virtual event provided a venue for over 100 Black women and others to celebrate and encourage participants to continue the collaborative effort to increase the number.
Continue reading “500 African-American Women Architects!!”